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Customer Service as a Subscription

Nowadays, most entertainment products, including music, movies, and books, are available through subscription services, which benefits the consumer. Each of us is now placed in control of the choices we make concerning what we listen to, what we watch, and what we read. For this privilege we are charged a fee for a period (usually monthly). Barring any technical difficulties, these services are immediately and infinitely responsive. Media can be accessed via phones, tablets, computers, smart-TVs, or smart-boxes. As consumers become accustomed to this type of service in their personal lives, it is important to reflect this in our professional lives.

This is an area where Fenwick Software excels. An important part of what sets Fenwick Software apart from other providers is the swiftness and conscientiousness of our replies to customer queries. Although an existing workload may preclude immediately beginning work on a new issue, communication about the progress of an investigation, or an estimate of when one will start, is considered imperative.

This is what sets Fenwick Software apart from other providers; the swiftness and conscientiousness of our replies to customer queries.

The philosophy behind focusing such effort on customer service is viewing our interactions with clients as a relationship instead of a transaction. We realize that offering ongoing support and enhancements for clients provides more mutual benefits that simply considering our job done after a system implementation is complete. This aspect of an ongoing relationship can be compared to media subscriptions as well. Consumers are shedding traditional ideas that products must be bought at an exorbitant one-time price and are instead exploiting the notion of periodic payments for access to a service.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV, an extremely versatile and powerful product, is, nevertheless, just a product. Fenwick Software provides a service that utilizes and extends the value of the base product in a way unlike many other partners. Combining this with excellent customer service means that Fenwick Software has positioned itself for long term relationships with its customers.

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